Darrick Diaz


Born and raised in San Jose in the southern part of the bay area, I grew up a very inquisitive kid. Always asking ‘Why’, I was constantly asking why human beings acted in a certain manner, why we love and suffer the way we do. I was in constant study of our psychology before I even heard the term ‘Psychology’. I questioned the traditions of everything that came before me in a manner that respected and validated what was, but was also hopeful and curious about what could be - what we could be and create as a global community.

I had challenges in school as a child, as I was off in my own head solving these human puzzles. I only learned in retrospect upon being evaluated by a professional psychologist and psychiatrist that it was because I had ADD ( Attention Deficit Disorder). Having ADD along with my experience with Body Dysmorphia caused me to really fall out of love with myself and into a chronic state of depression and anxiety throughout my early young adult years. Ruminating on suicide and battling my inner-demons kept me in bed and out of the social environments for many years.

In the midst of this mental chaos, I set out to study Psychology and pursue my undergraduate degree. Battling those anxieties and depression delayed my progress many times, but after receiving help from friends and professionals, along with becoming more knowledgeable on the basic Socio-Biological underpinnings of my issues, really helped me address my mental illness and health in every natural and organic way possible. From diving into a more systematic approach and moving towards physical fitness, changing my diet, and group therapy, I began to understand my mental shortcomings and how to work on them intentionally. Without judgement and with a lot of faith in God, I proceeded to face all the things in my mind and environment that scared me away from being a thriving contributing human being.

To this day, I am always looking for ways to keep my mental health in check and am still growing in my ability to ask for help. With this journey of building Empathetik, I could not be more passionate about helping my friends, family, and direct community. Yes, i would love to be a global organization one day but for now my dream is to take care of the minds of my community and start a psychological renaissance in the mentally drained Silicon Valley. From my experience, and my education, I feel responsible to help this community and then the world start the process of healing from their own mental illnesses and traumas and to find their own version of thriving and maintaining mental health. I believe that through storytelling and the sharing of our lives and experiences with others, that millions and millions of people can start to believe that they too can heal and thrive in their daily lives. If one person that has been where you are, the trials and struggles, then maybe just maybe you can make it through too. I want to shed light on the quiet beacons of hope in our culture and show people how possible it is to succeed through the tribulations we experience as human beings. There is an air of hope i wish to portray in the films we produce and the community we build. Thank you for joining my journey and for all the support you give.