“If we do not talk about mental health, won’t be able to fully understand or treat its different and negative effects on individuals. Therefore, becoming more afraid and more discriminatory against those suffering from their own ongoing struggle.”
In photo: Princess Cortez
Photo by: Izzy De La Rosa
“Mental health is really important to talk about, especially in this day and age when we are a technology driven society and interaction isn't available physically. And it's just easy to put other people down or judge or not have that kind of empathy for people..."
Our interview was quickly interrupted by her customers. But she is right! It is so easy to put others down. Hopefully we can build a culture that lifts people up, at least thats our hope!
In photo: Marcello Fama
Photo by: Izzy De La Rosa
“Consciousness is not easy to navigate. We live in a time where communication of all types is easier than ever and it is important we continue many important conversations mental wellbeing included. Mental health like any other stigmatized subject should become more normalized so that those who are suffering feel comfortable seeking help, what ever that may be. Let's just make sure we keep the conversations constructive."
In Photo: Jack Cholin
Photo by: Izzy De La Rosa
“It is important to consider the daily living situation we see on the streets of the City every day. A lack of funding for mental health reform and infrastructure by the city and state governments over the last several decades is yielding a devastating array of effects which disproportionately affect those in lower income brackets, trapping folks in a cycle of poverty. We cannot continue like this as a community.”